“Offline spike sorting approaches are currently used to detect and sort action potentials after finishing the experiment. Because the opportunities to record from the human brain are relatively rare, it is desirable to analyze large numbers of simultaneous recordings quickly using online sorting and detection algorithms. In this way, the experiment can be optimized for the particular response properties of the recorded neurons.”
Online sorter
A Matlab implementation of an online spike sorting algorithm. The software was implemented at the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA, USA, by Ueli Rutishauser, E.M. Schuman, A.N. Mamelak.

The algorithm is documented in the following paper:
“Online detection and sorting of extracellularly recorded action potentials in human medial temporal lobe recordings, in vivo”,
U. Rutishauser, E. M. Schuman, A.N. Mamelak – Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 2006.
You may access the paper here, or download the Osorter software here.

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