A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Fabrizio Gabbiani at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The lab studies mechanisms of visually guided collision avoidance at the cellular, systems, and computational level using a variety of techniques (intra-/extra- cellular recordings, calcium imaging, pharmacology, behavior using high-speed video, compartmental modeling).
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A postdoctoral position is available starting June 1, 2008, for research on computational models of the neural basis of higher level cognitive function,
working in collaboration with Randall O’Reilly (CU Boulder), John Anderson and Christian Lebiere (CMU).
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Riesenhuber Lab, Department of Neuroscience, Georgetown University, Washington, DC
A postdoctoral fellow position is available, starting immediately, to participate in a research project studying the neural mechanisms underlying “fast” object recognition using single-trial analysis of high-density EEG data, as part of a larger collaborative project aiming to develop a real-time neurally-based target detection system combining machine and biological vision.
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