“Databasing and Modeling the Brain”
Stockholm, Sweden -September 7-9, 2008
Neuroinformatics 2008 will focus on dissemination of recent progress and community building in this emerging field. The congress is organized as a single track event, with 6 keynote speakers, 5 workshops, and 2 poster sessions, as well as live demos of neuroinformatics applications.

Online registration and abstract submission is now open!
/Keynote Speakers:/
-Mark Ellisman
-Mitsuo Kawato
-Mary Kennedy
-Henry Markram
-Idan Segev
-David Van Essen
-Future hardware challenges to scientific computing
Erik de Schutter (chair), Gabriel Wittum, Marc-Oliver Gewaltig, John Shalf
-Neurogenomics meets bioinformatics meets neuroinformatics in database research
Robert Williams (chair), Ed Lein, Seth Grant, Kristen Harris
-Extraction if structural and functional information from brain images
Ulla Ruotsalainen (chair), Arthur Toga, Alan Evans, Thomas Mrsic-Flögel
-Challenges and benefits of multichannel electrophysiology
Andrzej Wrobel (chair), György Buzsaki, Miguel Nicolelis, Xiaoqin Wang

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