Extracellular recordings of spontaneous nerve activity is a common practice for a number of electrophysiological experiments providing valuable information concerning peripheral and central nervous system physiology of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Extracellular electrodes record voltage potentials representing the activity of an unknown number of activated axons which may serve different functions. It is generally assumed that neurons encode information into series of action potentials (AP), their spike trains, so there is a special interest in reconstructing the waveform of individual neurons from the recorded trace. The procedure of proper assignment of spikes to neurons is referred to as neural spike sorting.
We enhanced the features of a popular open-source spike sorting tool, nev2lkit, in order to address a number of issues raised in experimental laboratory practice.
The detailed description of changes to nev2lkit software as well as a patch to its latest version, can be found here:
This work was implemented in the context of PYTHAGORAS II (EPEAEK) project, a research program funded by the Greek Ministry of National Education and Religious Affairs.
Scientific results of this study were published in the following paper:
Adamos D.A., Kosmidis E.K and Theophilidis G., “Performance evaluation of PCA-based spike sorting algorithms”, Computer methods and programs in biomedicine (September 2008), vol. 91 (3) pp. 232-44.

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