Edmond and Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences (ELSC)
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem

The new EDMOND AND LILY SAFRA CENTER FOR BRAIN SCIENCES (ELSC) at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is seeking candidates for faculty positions at all levels in Neuroscience starting July 1, 2010.

The ELSC has openings for 15 new faculty positions to be filled over seven to ten years. Specific emphasis will be placed on modern interdisciplinary research using molecular, optical and electrophysiological methods for probing and manipulating neuronal networks that are directly related to specific behaviors. Applicants are expected to develop a solid theoretical and computational foundation in their area of research and to work closely with other research teams. Duties of the newly recruited faculty also include teaching at undergraduate and graduate levels.
Applicants with a Ph.D. and postdoctoral experience with a record of excellence and independent productivity, who aspire to establish active innovative and interdisciplinary research programs in neuroscience, are invited to apply. Startup funds are available and will be adjusted to the specific requirements of the proposed research plan.
Please send applications by email and include: (1) a letter of intent; (2) curriculum vitae; (3) an outline of future research, including a brief description of the facilities required to carry out the research plan; (4) three to five publications (in PDF format) that best represent the candidate’s work and teaching direction; (5) the names of three individuals willing to provide letters of reference.
Read more about the new Center at
http://www.nature.com/news/2009/090623/full/news.2009.562.html and on the ELSC WEB site: http://elsc-brain.huji.ac.il

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