The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility INCF has launched an international competition for predicting neural activity with a submission deadline of August 25.

The data for the competition is already available at
Rather attractive awards will be given to the winners of the competition during the INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics in Pilsen, near Prague,
The competition is subdivided into four challenges. It is possible to submit a contribution to a single challenge or to more than one. Challenges A-C consist in predicting the spike timings of different neurons during a slice experiment under random current injection. Challenge D consists in predicting the spike time of an LGN neuron in vivo.
All types of models and machine learning tools are allowed (e.g., stochastic processes, Hodgkin-Huxley model, integrate-and-fire, SVM etc).
Everybody is welcome to participate, for more details see the conference WEB page

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