The International Neuroinformatics Coordinating Facility INCF has launched an international competition for predicting neural activity with a submission deadline of August 25.
The data for the competition is already available at http://www.incf.org/community/competitions/spike-time-prediction/2009
Rather attractive awards will be given to the winners of the competition during the INCF Congress of Neuroinformatics in Pilsen, near Prague, http://www.neuroinformatics2009.org/
The competition is subdivided into four challenges. It is possible to submit a contribution to a single challenge or to more than one. Challenges A-C consist in predicting the spike timings of different neurons during a slice experiment under random current injection. Challenge D consists in predicting the spike time of an LGN neuron in vivo.
All types of models and machine learning tools are allowed (e.g., stochastic processes, Hodgkin-Huxley model, integrate-and-fire, SVM etc).
Everybody is welcome to participate, for more details see the conference WEB page http://www.incf.org/community/competitions/spike-time-prediction/2009
- Published by Dimitrios A. Adamos in: External announcements
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