Researchers at the Usenix Security conference have demonstrated a zero-day vulnerability in your brain. Read the rest of this entry…
Researchers at the Usenix Security conference have demonstrated a zero-day vulnerability in your brain. Read the rest of this entry…
Researchers at Harvard University have created the first noninvasive brain-to-brain interface (BBI) between a human and a rat. Read the rest of this entry…
Motivated by extraordinary requirements for neuroscience, IBM Research, EPFL, and ETH Zürich through the Swiss National Supercomputing Center CSCS, are exploring how to combine different types of memory – DRAM, which is standard for computer memory, and flash memory that is akin to USB sticks – for less expensive and optimal supercomputing performance. Read the rest of this entry…
Exoskeleton Retinal prosthesis human to human interface Connectomics Graph Theory neuroethics tCS CPG Biometrics Plasticity Trajectories systems-neuroscience music recommendation music neuroscience Deep Learning Interpretability Learnable Filters network neuroscience multiplexing Conferences music perception brain networks modularity community detection brain to brain interface transcranial direct current stimulation music Sparse neurons Noise Deep Brain Stimulation LFP Neural coding TMS Computational Neuroscience Brain-inspired Computing Neuroimaging Wavelets Neuro-inspired Computing neuroprosthetics Bionics Machine Learning neural recordings EEG Information Theory Dimensionality Reduction Modelling Neural Networks Clustering Statistical Analysis Neurophysiology Spike Sorting Brain Research Brain Interfaces
WP Cumulus Flash tag cloud by Roy Tanck requires Flash Player 9 or better.