1 May 2008—Anyone familiar with electronics knows the trinity of fundamental components: the resistor, the capacitor, and the inductor. In 1971, a University of California, Berkeley, engineer predicted that there should be a fourth element: a memory resistor, or memristor. But no one knew how to build one. Now, 37 years later, electronics have finally gotten small enough to reveal the secrets of that fourth element. The memristor, Hewlett-Packard researchers revealed today in the journal Nature, had been hiding in plain sight all along—within the electrical characteristics of certain nanoscale devices. They think the new element could pave the way for applications both near- and far-term, from nonvolatile RAM to realistic neural networks.
By Sally Adee, IEEE’s Spectrum Issue May 2008
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In 2004, Ian McDonald, M.D., a British neurologist and amateur classical pianist, experienced a stroke that damaged a fairly small area of his brain. As a result, he temporarily lost his ability to read and play music from a score, as well as to appreciate music emotionally.
By Petr Janata, Ph.D.
Originally posted to Cerebrum @ Dana Foundation, August 2007
Reading and playing music from a score involves a complex network of brain activity. © Getty Images/I. Burgum/P. Boorman
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A brain-damaged man, trapped in a coma-like state for six years, has been brought back to consciousness by doctors who planted electrodes deep inside his brain.
The doctors implanted DBS electrodes in the central thalamus, a region that plays a key role in regulating sleep and consciousness (image:Cleveland Clinic)
Original article from Cosmos Online, 2 Aug 07
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People have long used soothing music or calming sounds to reduce brain activity and help them relax. But now, many are turning to specialized software and other technological means to quiet the conscious mind, making it easier to take a timeout.
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