The Interdisciplinary Center for Neural Computations (ICNC) at the Hebrew University solicits applications for its Ph.D. Program in computational neuroscience. The Ph.D. Program exists since 1992, and currently has about 60 students, with 12-15 new admissions every year.

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STILL using a mouse, keyboard, joystick or motion sensor to control the action in a video game? It may be time to try brain power instead.
Published: NY Times, June 8, 2008
Jim Wilson/The New York Times
A new headset system picks up electrical activity from the brain, as well as from facial muscles and other spots, and translates it into on-screen commands. This lets players vanquish villains not with a click, but with a thought.
Put on the headset, made by Emotiv Systems in San Francisco, and when a giant boulder blocks the path in a game you are playing, you can levitate it — not by something as crude as a keystroke, but just by concentrating on raising it, said Tan Le, Emotiv’s president. The headset captures electrical signals when you concentrate; then the computer processes these signals and pairs a screen action with them, like lifting a stone or repairing a falling bridge.

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The research group for Neurobiopsychology (Prof. Dr. Peter König has two vacancies for positions of a PHd student. (Scholarships are for a maximum of three years, to start at November 1st, 2008. ) The positions involve research within the Research Training Group Adaptivity in Hybrid Cognitive Systems ( in the area of processing of visual, auditory and tactile information and sensorimotor integration under natural conditions and includes the statistical analysis of natural stimuli, simulation of multimodal sensory systems, integration of experimental data on the neuronal activity with visual and auditory stimulation and the implementation on autonomous systems. Furthermore, the position involves participation in teaching Cognitive Science courses with an emphasis on Neurobiopsychology. The position offers the possibility of further academic qualification.

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A postdoctoral position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Fabrizio Gabbiani at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston, Texas. The lab studies mechanisms of visually guided collision avoidance at the cellular, systems, and computational level using a variety of techniques (intra-/extra- cellular recordings, calcium imaging, pharmacology, behavior using high-speed video, compartmental modeling).

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