Why Can’t A Computer Be More Like A Brain?
“Computers, at long last, can play winning chess. But the program that can beat the world champion can’t talk about chess, let alone learn backgammon. Today’s programs-at best-solve specific problems. Where humans have broad and flexible capabilities, computers do not. ”

New Master Program

Source: IEEE Spectrum Magazine

To build intelligent machines, then, why not understand how the brain works, and then ask how we can replicate it?
The author and his colleagues have been pursuing that approach for several years. They have focused on the brain’s neocortex, and have made significant progress in understanding how it works. They call their theory Hierarchical Temporal Memory (HTM) and have created a software platform that allows anyone to build HTMs for experimentation.
HTM is described as a rich theoretical framework and a detailed description is available at http://www.numenta.com.
You may also read further details in the corresponding article of IEEE’s SPECTRUM MAGAZINE here.
About the author
JEFF HAWKINS, inventor of the Palm Pilot, is the founder of Palm Computing, Handspring, and the Redwood Neuroscience Institute. In 2003 he was elected a member of the National Academy of Engineering.

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