The new website
is available for sharing resources for computational neuroscience, such as high-quality experimental data sets, analytical tools and models.

Currently, the website hosts resources whose preparation have been supported by a new funding track in the joint NSF/NIH program Collaborative Research in Computational Neuroscience.
The resources currently available are electrophysiology data from hippocampus, visual and auditory cortices, avian auditory structures, as well as recordings of human eye movements during movie watching. Each resource is documented by a summary page and more detailed documentation written by the resource contributor. Individual discussion forums for each resource enable the interaction and collaboration between people interested in a particular data set. Every CRCNS funding cycle new resources will be added.
The history, motives and goals of this data sharing initiative are described in the article: “Data sharing for computational neuroscience” by J. L. Teeters, K. D. Harris, K. J. Millman, B. A. Olshausen, and F. T. Sommer (Neuroinformatics, 2008)
The website has been built and is maintained by the Sommer lab in the Redwood Center for Theoretical Neuroscience at UC Berkeley. Funding for this effort is provided by the NSF.

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