There are two openings for 22 PhD students for research in the “Marie Curie Initial Training Network FACETS-ITN: From Neuroscience to Neuro-Inspired Computing”.

The network consists of 15 partners in 6 countries (Austria, France, Germany, Hungary, Sweden and Switzerland). The positions to work on a Ph.D. are funded for up to three years and are intended for mobile “Early Stage Researchers”, i.e. for people who graduated less than 4 years ago and who are foreigners to the country of the host group.
Applicants with an excellent degree (Master of Science, Diploma, earned since September 2005) in Biology, Physics, Computer Science, Engineering or Mathematics and the strong wish to actively contribute to an interdisciplinary research activity are invited to apply at
Research Areas
* Area I: Neurobiology of cells and networks
* Area II: Modelling of Neural Systems
* Area III a: Neuromorphic Hardware
* Area III b: Neuro-Electronic Interfaces
* Area IV: Computational Principles, Learning and Plasticity
Suggested thesis topics:
While each thesis has a primary scientific area, it is explicitly envisaged that the thesis projects bridge the gap to at least one of the other work areas.
The FACETS Initial-training-network FACETS-ITN is formed by 15 partners in 6 countries. 11 of the partners are from the FACETS project, three are from industry (ZMD, SILICANN and HONDA-RI) and one is a semi-industrial partner (FHG) (see
The application deadline is 20 August 2009.

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