BUTIFtoolbox is used to extract transient oscillatory dynamics from signals. Until now, it was succesfully applied to LFP (Local Field Potentials) and EEG (Electroencephalographic) signals. Applications to other fields could be researched.

BUTIF toolbox is licensed (creative commons license), and distributed for scholar use only. Creative Commons License ButIf toolbox 1.0 by Francois-B. Vialatte et al. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 2.1 Japan License.
Publication of results obtained using this toolbox must cite relevant litterature:
Vialatte F., Sole-Casals J., Dauwels J., Maurice M., Cichocki A.,
Bump Time-Frequency Toolbox: a Toolbox for Time-Frequency Oscillatory Bursts extraction in Electrophysiological Signals, BMC Neuroscience, in press.
Vialatte F., Sole-Casals J., Dauwels J., Maurice M., Cichocki A.,
Bump Time Frequency toolbox software, version 1.0, (2008), available online at: http://www.bsp.brain.riken.jp/~fvialatte/bumptoolbox/download.html [Download]
Vialatte F., Martin C., Dubois R., Quenet B., Gervais R., Dreyfus G.
A machine learning approach to the analysis of time-frequency maps, and its application to neural dynamics, Neural Networks 2007, 20:194-209. [science direct link]
Until now, sparse time-frequency bump modelling was succesfully applied to model invasive EEG (local field potentials) event related potentials, to classify scalp EEG from patients with early stage of Alzheimer’s disease (AD), to represent simultaneously time-frequency and space information using a sonification approach, to exploit time-frequency space information using a synchrony model (Stochastic Event Synchrony, or SES), and to extract oscillations of steady state visual event potential epochs in single trials.
For more details, please visit the projects home page.

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