A 3-year PhD student position in Neurobotics (Computational Neuroscience) is open at LNRS/CNRS UMR7060, University Paris Descartes starting from January 2009, in the framework of a French national research project (ABILIS / ANR-08-CORD-001-05) entitled “Bio-inspired approaches for intelligent object handling and gripping“.

The project is based on the conception and realization of a 5-finger artificial hand in collaboration with 5 other partners (LMS/CNRS UMR 6610 / University of Poitiers; LISV/Paris; LIST/CEA /Paris; ISIR/UPMC Paris; FATRONIK France SAS, Montpellier).
The robot hand will alternatively be driven both by conventional and non conventional actuators. The PhD work concerns i) the study of neural mechanisms responsible for grasp and object dependent manipulation and ii) the application of biologically inspired sensory motor control schemes on the new 5-finger artificial hand under the supervision of Prof. Marc Maier and Assist. Prof. Selim Eskiizmirliler. The use of both synthetic and real control signals (e.g. cortical activity recorded in monkeys) will be considered.
A strong background in programming (C++, Matlab, PERL, etc.), in nonlinear / linear control systems and in digital signal processing obtained at under-graduate and/or graduate levels, as well as the ability of working under different operating systems (Windows, Linux, MAC, etc.) is requested.
For more information on the project, on the previously published articles and on other administrative details please contact Dr. Selim Eskiizmirliler at the following address, if possible with the abstract of your Ms Thesis. During the recruitment period your Ms Thesis supervisor (or your M1 and/or M2 fellowship supervisors in France) might be contacted.
T. Selim Eskiizmirliler
Laboratoire de Neurobiologie des Réseaux Sensorimoteurs (LNRS) UMR 7060
CNRS, Université Paris Descartes, Université Paris Diderot,
45 Rue des Saints Pères, 75270, PARIS CEDEX 06, France
LNRS homepage : http://www.biomedicale.univ-paris5.fr/lnrs/
ANIM homepage : http://anim.snv.jussieu.fr/
E_mail: Selim.Eskiizmirliler(at)courriel(dot)upmc(dot)fr
E_mail: Selim.Eskiizmirliler(at)univ-paris5(dot)fr

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