NeuroRighter is an open-source system for multi-electrode closed-loop recording and stimulation originally produced by the Potter Lab at Georgia Tech. The software is free, and the hardware schematics and layouts are free for download. Read the rest of this entry…
Spike sorting algorithms aim at decomposing complex extracellular signals to independent events from single neurons in the electrode’s vicinity. The decision about the actual number of active neurons is still an open issue, with sparsely firing neurons and background activity the most influencing factors. Read the rest of this entry…
Advances in brain-computer interfaces, restorative neurotechnology, and assistive robot technology reported in Nature by the BrainGate2 collaboration of researchers, allowed two people with tetraplegia to reach for and grasp objects in three-dimensional space using robotic arms that they controlled directly with brain activity.
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A review article describing challenges towards accurate multi-electrode automatic spike sorting.
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